DATA1200 - Webutvikling og Inkluderende Design


This page must contain a short text (500-700 words) describing the challenges experienced by the (one, several or all) members of the group when transitioning from upper-secondary school (or work-life) to university. Reflect on any of the following topics:

a) learning to code, or
b) being a student rather than a pupil, or
c) managing the workload.


It must contain a short presentation of accessibility (up to 500 words describing how the group tested the code for accessibility using an automated test. Also explain how you checked, validated, and made coding-choices for universal design beyond what an automated test can do. You are welcome to use screenshots from the testing site and of your code. We shall read this text! While the content of your page is but a minor part of the assessment, this is the text that we are certain to read. (Grammar not important.)

Topical Information

Technology and society (with external links): Write – or re-use a short text you have previously written – (anywhere from 300 to 1000 words) about technology and society. You are allowed to reuse text from "DATA1100 Technology and Society for Programmers" or other subjects. This text should have multiple links to external sites with relevant information. We shall not grade you on how relevant the information you link to is, but we expect several links and we expect it to be easy to understand before clicking what information you lead us to.

Fun Page

Make one page that is in a different layout and have a different styling than the others. Put in some text and images. We accept place-holder text, but don’t use copyrighted images. Or you can present an activity or a place in Oslo.

This page is an opportunity to be creative and shine. You may embed video or sound, but again: beware of copyright, please! Don’t forget to consider the size of the media files (videos or pictures).